Monday, January 21, 2013

SI 1.19.13

Scientific Method / Natural Selection

  1. What are the steps of the Scientific Method
  2. What was Darwin's evidence of Natural Selection
  3. What is "new" supporting evidence of Natural Selection
  4. What year was the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection proposed
  5. What are emergent properties
  6. Inductive vs. Deductive
    1. Which is used to propose a hypothesis
    2. Which gathers information that is very specific and then relates it to something very general
  7. What is a theory
  8. Give an example of homologous structures
  9. Give an example of analogous structures

Chemical Bonds

  1. What type of bond involves the  sharing of electrons and is very strong
  2. This rule states that each atom "desires" a full outer shell
    1. What are the electrons called that are in the outer shell
  3. What do you call a chemical that can accept or release hydrogen ions as needed
  4. What do you call it when water molecules stick to other water molecules
  5. This type of atom has had an electron either removed or added. If added it has gone through     a(n) _____ reaction and is called a(n) ______. If removed then it has gone through a(n) _______ reaction and is called a(n) ______.
  6. What are the 4 important elements in your body?
  7. A water molecule is considered to be a ________ molecule
  8. This type of bond is weak and is caused by the partial charge of hydrogen and oxygen in a water molecule
  9. How many naturally occurring elements are there
  10. Where is the energy in a molecule
  11. This type of bond involves atoms that have had electrons removed or added
  12. Something that has a high concentration of hydrogen ions is considered _______
  13. An atom that has a different number of neutrons compared to protons is a(n) ______

Important People

  1. This person is attributed with taking X-rays of the double helix known as DNA
  2. Darwin described this persons ideas as the "struggle for existence"
  3. This person came up with ideas of natural selection independently from Darwin
  4. This person came up with the quote "Survival of the Fittest"
  5. What was the name of the boat that Darwin traveled on
  6. This person believed that "inheritance of acquired characteristics" led to changes in organisms over time
  7. Who's rule describes the relationship of purines and pyrimidines
  8. These 3 people won the Nobel prize for discovering the double helix

Organic Molecules

  1. What bonds are critical in an organic molecule
  2. What molecule has a 6 carbon ring
  3. What molecule forms a protein when built into a large structure
  4. If a living thing makes starch out of carbohydrates it is a(n)
  5. If a molecule has gone through hydrolysis what has happened
  6. What are 2 types of lipids we covered in class
  7. How many different amino acids are there
  8. What are the components of a nucleotide
  9. What can cause a protein to denature
  10. What two components make up a triglyceride
  11. What structure does hemoglobin have
  12. What carbohydrate do animals make that provides support
  13. What is the empirical formula of a carbohydrate
  14. Which molecule stores the most energy
  15. What are the 5 different nitrogenous bases that could be on a nucleic acid

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