Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Exam 2 Practice Test

1.        During which phase of the meiotic cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

a.        Interphase

b.        Prophase

c.        Metaphase

d.        Anaphase

e.        Telophase

2.        Replication

a.        DNA à Protein

b.        DNA à RNA

c.        RNA à Protein

d.        DNA à DNA

3.        The notations P and p ( or any upper case and lower case letters) in genetics problems represent

a.        Phenotype of an individual

b.        Separate genes

c.        Individual alleles

d.        Chromosome mutations

4.        Repeated DNA sequences on the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are

a.        Introns

b.        Exons

c.        Telomeres

d.        Isomeres

5.        During which phase of meiosis does the nuclear membrane reform around chromosomes

a.        Interphase

b.        ProphaseI

c.        Metaphase II

d.        Anaphase I

e.        TelophaseII

6.        If a tRNA has anticodon UUU it carries amino acid

a.        Glycine

b.        Serine

c.        Phenylalanine

d.        Lysine

7.        Which indicates a homozygous genotype?

a.        AB

b.        Aa

c.        BB

d.        Ab

8.        Homologous chromosomes move towards opposite poles of a dividing cell during…

a.        Mitosis

b.        Meiosis I

c.        Meiosis II

d.        Fertilization

e.        Binary Fission

9.        A gene that interferes with another gene is

a.        Polygenic

b.        Epistatic

c.        Pleiotroipic

d.        Dominant

10.     Where is the codon

a.        rRNA

b.        mRNA

c.        tRNA

11.     Meiosis II is similar to mitosis in that…

a.        Homologous chromosomes synapse

b.        DNA replicates before the division

c.        The daughter cells are diploid

d.        Sister chromatids separate during anaphase

e.        The chromosome number is reduced

12.     In humans brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. A brown-eyed woman who has a blue-eyed child has the genotype

a.        bb

b.        Bb

c.        BB

d.        None of these are correct

e.        Not able to determine from info given

13.     mRNA is synthesized by

a.        RNA Polymerase I

b.        DNA Ligase

c.        DNA Polymerase

d.        RNA Polymerase II

14.     How many nucleotides code for an amino acid

a.        2

b.        3

c.        4

d.        1

15.     DNA replication is

a.        Conservative

b.        Semiconservative

c.        Dispersive

16.     Metaphase of meiosis I & meiosis II differ in that…

a.        Chromosomes line up at the equator

b.        Homologues line up in meiosis I and duplicated chromosomes line up in meiosis II

c.        Sister chromatids line up in meiosis I and chromosomes line up in meiosis II

d.        There are the same number of chromosomes

17.     Infected mice with strains of streptococcus

a.        TH Morgan

b.        Walter Sutton

c.        Frederick Griffith

d.        Avery, MacLeod, McCarty

18.     Transcription

a.        DNA à Protein

b.        DNA à RNA

c.        RNA à Protein

d.        DNA à DNA

19.     If 25% of the offspring of one set of parents show the recessive phenotype, the parents were probably

a.        Both homozygous recessive

b.        Both homozygous dominant

c.        Both heterozygous

d.        One homozygous dominant, one homozygous recessive

20.     At which stage of meiosis do chromatids separate and become daughter chromosomes?

a.        Metaphase I

b.        Anaphase I

c.        Metaphase II

d.        Anaphase II

e.        Telophase II

21.     Where is the anticodon

a.        rRNA

b.        mRNA

c.        tRNA

22.     The inheritance of blood types in humans can be explained by

a.        Epistasis

b.        Linked genes

c.        Co-dominance

d.        Incomplete dominance


23.     Sickle cell Anemia is caused by

a.        Frameshift mutation

b.        Deletion

c.        Translocation

d.        Point mutation

24.     A human cell containing 44 autosomes and two X chromosomes is…

a.        A somatic cell of a male

b.        A zygote

c.        A somatic cell of a female

d.        A sperm cell

e.        An egg cell

25.     T/F - A 1:2:1 ratio describes the genotype which arises from a monohybrid cross of two heterozygous individuals

26.     A _____ is the complete set of chromosomes of an organism, arranged and displayed in pairs and ordered by size

a.        Genome

b.        Karyotype

c.        Nucleus heredity

d.        Gene

27.     An allele that codes for more than one characteristic is

a.        Polygenic

b.        Epistatic

c.        Pleiotropic

d.        Dominant

28.     mRNA is synthesized from

a.        DNA template strand

b.        RNA protein strand

c.        DNA coding strand

29.     A mutation that creates a stop codon is a

a.        Transversion

b.        Nonsense mutation

c.        Frame shift mutation

d.        Missense mutation

30.     Which 2 cells would be more genetically similar to each other

a.        Two gametes produced by the same person

b.        Two somatic cells produced by the same person

c.        Two eggs produced by the same woman

d.        Two sperm produced by the same man

31.     Found that transforming material is DNA

a.        TH Morgan

b.        Walter Sutton

c.        Frederick Griffith

d.        Avery, MacLeod, McCarty

32.     Which blood type would not be possible for children of a type AB mother and a type A father

a.        O

b.        A

c.        B

d.        AB

33.     Non-coding regions of the mRNA are called

a.        Exons

b.        Mutations

c.        Introns

d.        All parts of the mRNA code for the protein

34.     Crossing over usually contributes to genetic variation by exchanging chromosomal segments between

a.        Sister chromatids of a chromosome

b.        Chromatids of nonhomologues

c.        Nonsister chromatids of homologues

d.        Nonhomologous loci of the genome

e.        Autosomes and sex chromosomes

35.     An extra finger in humans is rare but is due to a dominant gene. When one parent is normal and the other parent has an extra finger but is heterozygous for the trait, what is the probability that the first child will be normal?

a.        0%

b.        25%

c.        50%

d.        75%

36.     T/F – The central dogma of molecular biology states that information flows in one direction DNA à RNA à Protein

37.     Discovered mutant white eye in drosophila

a.        TH Morgan

b.        Walter Sutton

c.        Frederick Griffith

d.        Avery, MacLeod, McCarty

38.     A single glitch in the DNA base pairs is

a.        Nondisjunction

b.        Deletion

c.        Translocation

d.        Point mutation

39.     Match the following: (a-f) with (g-l)

a.        Fertilization

b.        Asexual reproduction

c.        Interphase

d.        Crossing Over

e.        Sperm

f.         Ovum

g.        Sperm and egg cell join

h.        Exchange of genes between pairs of homologous chromosomes

i.          Female egg

j.          All copies of the single parent’s genes are passed to the offspring

k.        Time between cell divisions

l.          Male gamete

40.     Carriers of the color-blindness trait include

a.        Men heterozygous for the trait

b.        Men homozygous for the trait

c.        Women heterozygous for the trait

d.        Women homozygous for the trait

41.     How many chromosomes are in the somatic cells of an organism that has a haploid number of 8?

a.        8

b.        16

c.        4

d.        32

42.     This type of RNA is involved in Translation

a.        mRNA

b.        rRNA

c.        tRNA

d.        More than one answer is correct

43.     A pedigree chart shows

a.        The genotypic ratios of the offspring

b.        Types of gametes produced by parents

c.        The pattern of inheritance of a specific gene

d.        Which genes are co-dominant

e.        The genotypes of any parents

44.     In humans, gametes contain

a.        1 autosome and 45 sex chromosomes

b.        1 autosome and 22 sex chromosomes

c.        45 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome

d.        22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome

45.     Key: for the next 4 questions: a= all the offspring will exhibit the dominant trait, b= all the offspring will exhibit the recessive trait, c= the recessive trait will show up in about 50% of the offspring, d= the dominant trait will show up in about 75% of the offspring.   What will be the result if

a.        Bb mates with bb

b.        BB mates with bb

c.        bb mates with bb

d.        Bb mates with Bb

46.     DNA is synthesized by

a.        RNA Polymerase I

b.        DNA Ligase

c.        DNA Polymerase

d.        RNA Polymerase II

47.     Trisomy is caused by

a.        Nondisjunction

b.        Deletion

c.        Translocation

d.        Point mutation

48.     In Telophase II, cytokinesis results in

a.        Two diploid cells

b.        Four haploid cells

c.        Four diploid cells

d.        Two haploid cells

49.     The rule of multiplication vs. the Rule of addition

50.     A mutation that causes part of a chromosome to be moved to a new location is

a.        Inversion

b.        Duplication

c.        Translocation

d.        Deletion

51.     Translation

a.        DNA à Protein

b.        DNA à RNA

c.        RNA à Protein

d.        DNA à DNA

52.     Crossing-over occurs

a.        During prophase I

b.        At the centromere

c.        During fertilization

d.        During prophase II

53.     In a testcross genotype is determined by

a.        A homozygous dominant genotype is crossed with a heterozygote

b.        A dominant phenotype is crossed with a heterozygote

c.        A recessive phenotype is crossed with a dominant phenotype

d.        A recessive phenotype is crossed with a heterozygote

54.     DNA replication occurs

a.        In both meiosis I and meiosis II

b.        When the chromosomes align at the cells equator

c.        Prior to prophase I

d.        After Telophase I

55.     Multiple genes involved in controlling a single characteristic

a.        Polygenic

b.        Epistasis

c.        Pleiotropic

d.        Dominant

56.     Homologous chromosomes are closely associated with each other in ___ by proteins called ____

57.     This organelle is responsible for removing non-coding regions of the mRNA

a.        Spliceosome

b.        Lysosome

c.        Vessicle

d.        Nucleoid

58.     The chiasmata is the

a.        Protein that holds homologues together

b.        Site of DNA replication

c.        Site of crossing over

d.        A phase of meiosis

59.     Point mutations are also called

a.        Base substitutions

b.        Chromosomal aberrations

c.        Frame shift mutations

d.        Missense mutations

e.        More than one answer is correct

60.     The chromosomal theory of inheritance

a.        TH Morgan

b.        Walter Sutton

c.        Fredrick Griffith

d.        Avery, MacLeod, McCarty

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