Thursday, October 11, 2012

Below is a list of the seperate phases of Meiosis. They are out of order and missing some key words, try filling in all the blanks and then reorganizing them into the correct order (some of the descriptions could be 2 different phases).

1.                 Nuclear envelopes form around each set of chromosomes. Each new nucleus is now _________. Sister chromatids no longer identical because of __________.

2.                 Nuclear envelope re-forms. Four genetically ___________ cells produced. Cytokinesis follows

3.                 Nuclear envelope _______. Homologues closely associated in _________. Crossing over occurs between _________ chromatids.

4.                 _____________ are pulled to opposite poles of the cell. Microtubules are attached to the _________ at each pole of the cell

5.                 Nuclear envelopes dissolve. Spindle apparatus forms. Microtubules attach to the __________ of each __________.

6.                 ___________ hold homologues together following crossing over. Microtubules attach to each __________. ___________ align at the   _________ plate side by side

7.                 Microtubules of _______ shorten _________ are separated from each other. ___________ remain attached at centromeres.

8.                 Chromosomes align on the _____________ plate. The sister chromatid are held together at the _______________.

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